To support this knowledge, we launched a cloud risk maturity diagnostic technology platform in 2018 after just over a year of development effort. This technology has since been further enhanced and now can conduct not only risk maturity assessments, but a range of additional maturity and gap assessments in areas such as compliance, cyber risk, POPIA Act compliance, crisis readiness & resilience, as well as fraud & ethics. In 2023 in addition to releasing the fully automated progress monitoring and reporting module, we will also be releasing additional capability in conducting and monitoring risk assessments. We have referred over the years to this technology platform as the “myABMI Technology Platform”. This platform, our unique IP, and the company have earned multiple industry awards and nominations in recent years as testament to our work and contribution to growth of the governance, risk, and compliance disciplines globally.
After so long, the time has come to independently name/ brand our technology platform from its current sub-brand of “myABMI”. This has been an interesting process and some of the considerations during the branding process have opened new horizons for growth and value enhancement.
As we face what seems like a new beginning; a start of something; something we have worked on very hard in recent years; we are proud to introduce our rebranded technology platform; GeniXys. The name, like most names literally chose itself. When we look at what we have developed and what our technology platform delivers, nothing could be better suited. GeniXys is a creative combination of words signifying the beginning, genius, and the implications of progress, accuracy, and systems. This not only describes what the technology can do but what YOU can do with this technology. Genius means that the technology is designed to help users tap into their own innate brilliance and creativity by eliminating heavy lifting and asking the right questions. The letter "X," is indicative of the precision, targeted focus, and analytical capabilities within our technology platform. GeniXys signals new beginnings, change, and innovation. With GeniXys, you will find more joy and value in breaking out of routine and actively seeking out your blind spots. The technology is designed to help users break out of their old patterns and try something new. GeniXys signals new beginnings, change, and innovation.
In-flight bird wings symbolizing ‘soaring’ and adventure after take-off. We want to build capable organisations. -
Gap - Separation from the place of birth. Building sustainable capabilities. Focus on our customers. -
Our work:
In-flight bird wings flapping down. The essence of our work in building momentum for our clients.